Florida Revolving Door Laws Extend Post-Employment Restrictions to Six Years

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Lawmakers and judges who leave office and lobby the Florida Legislature or executive branch within six years could face a fine of up to $10,000 and other penalties after Governor Ron DeSantis signed two bills (HB 7001 and HB 7003) implementing a constitutional amendment passed by Florida voters in 2018. Revolving door prohibitions in HB 7001 also apply to the leaders of state agencies under DeSantis or the Cabinet.

The bill does not cover local governments, however, so ex-lawmakers and agency heads can still lobby city and county governments. An ex-legislator representing a client in court or in a legal process is exempt under the bill, except for claims bills pending before the Legislature.

The laws do not take effect until January 1, 2023, so they would not apply to officials who leaves office before then, either due to term limits, resignation, or losing an election. A two-year ban on lobbying still exists in current law, although punishments for violating that prohibition are not spelled out.

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