Cincinnati Adopts Pay to Play Law

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Interim Cincinnati City Manager John Curp approved rules and regulations for the solicitation ban passed by City Council in 2021. Ordinance 0415-2021 prohibits councilmembers from soliciting campaign contributions from developers who have an interest before the council, created the Office of Ethics & Good Government, and authorized the city manager to establish rules and begin enforcement.


The new rules require all persons or entities who request or apply for city business to disclose financially interested persons by filing a form with the Office of Ethics & Good Government. The office will maintain a City Business List and a Financially Interested Persons List on their website. A financially interested person is a person or entity who has a financial interest in city business, including anyone who owns or controls 20% or more of the entity. Campaigns are prohibited from accepting campaign contributions from a person on the city’s Temporary Prohibition List, which consists of qualifying financially interested persons.


The new rules and regulations will go into effect May 26, 2022.

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